Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Story From My Life

So the assignment is to write any story about my life.
So I picked the story when I met my best friend, Mikayla Wilson.

We met each other on the first day of our sophomore year. We hated each other. We always used to give each other dirty looks, call each other names, and she would be mean if I sat in her seat on accident in class. We never got along and somehow we were always sat next to each other and we were always partners. One night, at a football game, me and the guy I was talking to got into a big argument and she happened to be standing by and heard it all. They were pretty close friends actually and I just didn't know it. So she came over and she talked to both of us. Needless to say, me and that guy never spoke after that night, but me and Mikayla hit it off. She came over to my house and stayed for like 2 weeks and we became best friends. At the end of my sophomore year, my parents split up again and I moved here to Springdale so we didn't see each other that much but she still came over alot. Then when Summer came we spent every waking moment together. We partied and went to raves, snuck out, pretty much did what every teenager does at that age and messes up. And now look at us. We are both parents of beautiful little girls and we still have the best freindship anybody could ask for. Sorry if it seems like a soppy love story cause it's really not.

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